What Is the Blue Guys Name in Kim Possible

Kim Possible (TV Series 2002–2007) Poster

Call her, beep her if you wanna reach her...

The ranks of sisters doing it for themselves have a new member in the form of Kim Possible, and the result is... well, "Kim Possible," Disney's best TV cartoon since "Gargoyles," although the tone of this Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle creation is closer to "Darkwing Duck." Then again, that was also a cracker. But moving on to the large-headed, midriff-baring, wavy-haired, adolescent-targeted young lady who is NOT Christina Aguilera...

High school student and cheerleader Kimberly Ann Possible's website (maintained by genius Wade, who serves as her technical backup during jobs) is set up offering her services to people needing help, but said help generally entails her saving the world at a moment's notice - in a running gag, Kim and her sidekick Ron Stoppable are taken to the episode's hotspot by folks who La Possible helped in unseen escapades; like Mighty Max (and unlike most similar characters), Kim's siblings and parents are fully aware of her extracurricular activities - and, again unlike most similar characters, so is everyone else. One of the best touches of the show, in fact, is having Kim take part in one of the most stereotypically stupid pastimes (cheerleading), while her parents are in two of the most stereotypically brainy professions - as the girl says, "Mom's a brain surgeon, Dad's a rocket scientist..." (The next time some cleverdick chunters on about Americans having no sense of irony, try bringing this up.)

By itself, saving the world is "no big," but Kim obviously has to deal with all the difficulties of being a heroine and a regular teenage girl, on top of having as her best friend and partner the aforementioned Master Stoppable, who unfortunately lives up to his name a lot. Though this is in a sense admirable as part of the show's overall refusal to play gender stereotypes (Kim and Ron have one of the few truly platonic male/female relationships on television - even Xander, let us not forget, used to have a crush on Buffy), he also comes close to forcing the show to name itself after him, because his antics have more room for comedy than Kim's. Fortunately the show's writers hit a good balance more often than not and remember that it's supposed to be a mix of comedy AND action; but though Kim's not one to mess with when the chips are down, she never comes over as a heartless machine. Though some male viewers will probably refuse to watch it because it might make guys look bad, they'd be missing the fact that the male characters are mostly positive, with the nastiest character being Sheego (Kim's opposite number, and the assistant to Kim's arch-enemy Dr. Drakken - and a lot more dangerous and intelligent than he is; if this was "24," she would be Sherry Palmer). They'd also really need to grow up.

In any case, "Kim Possible" is so entertaining that dismissing it on the grounds of sexism would be silly; well-paced, funny without being overly stupid, easy on the morals, with genuinely exciting fight scenes, and a lead character worth at least 30 of Clover, Alex and Sam on the similar but wildly inferior "Totally Spies!" (with the added bonus of Kim leaving her closest live action counterpart - Sydney Bristow from fellow Disney/Touchstone show "Alias" - standing in both the hotness AND fighting stakes), this might not appeal to people still wishing they made cartoons as good as, say, "My Little Pony" or "Avenger Penguins," but it's their loss. And as for people demanding credibility, they can watch "King of the Hill." But if you don't want to go into a coma, remember the advice Christina Milian gives in Cory Lerios and George Gabriel's irresistibly catchy theme song - you know that you always can call Kim Possible.

"So what's the stitch?"

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Watch it for what's good about it...

Nothing is perfect, so stop complaining people.

The voice talent alone is worth tuning in for. Patrick Warburton (David Puddy from Seinfeld) is a teacher, Ricardo Montalban as rich and mildly dangerous SeƱor Senior, Sr. and his son Nestor Carbonall as vain and stupid muscle bound SeƱor Senior, Jr. are great. John DiMaggio (Bender from Futurama) as failure supervillain Drakken, with annoyed and doubting kungfu sidekick Shego (Nicole Sullivan, who doesn't love Nicole Sullivan?).

Not to mention guest voices like Wendy Malik, Adam West, Brad Garrett, Richard Kind, more.

When Ron and "junior" get in a fight by messing up each other's studly hair, and struggle for the possession of a comb, how can one not be amused? People who hate this show have no sense of humor.

And since when does a cartoon have to be plausible, people?! Is PPG plausible? Samurai Jack? Pokemon? Cowboy Bebop? Up and down the spectrum of animated TV, very little is plausible. Why must KP be?

They explained how she got started, and that should be enough. For those who DON'T know: she started a website with her name to promote her baby sitting service, and was mistaken for mission IMpossible, or team IMpossible, something like that. She decides to solve the case, and the IMpossible team starts getting requests for her to save the day. She decides it's more interesting than baby sitting. What could be more plausible than that? ;)

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Destined to be a classic

It appeals to kids, it appeals to teens, it appeals to adults. This show is hysterically funny, with jokes many different age groups will laugh at individually as well as together, and exciting without being too violent for the young ones. Great voice acting from the usual Disney contract players and outstanding writing and artwork. The only drawback is they repeat the same few episodes a lot, but fortunately I can watch an episode of KP many times and not get tired of it (of course, maybe that's just me...) Between this on tv and Lilo & Stitch in the theatres, I see a very promising trend developing at Disney.

Five stars!

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Another great accomplishment for Disney.

I'm pretty much in the majority with this show. I think it's a pretty cool show that has loads of action, adventure, and humor. My favorite character has to be Kim's sidekick Ron Stopable. He's pretty funny, he could be a loser type kind of guy that makes you laugh, and he has a naked mole rat for a pet!!! That rules!! Besides that stuff, this show is great, and I hope it has a great, and sucessful run (things look good so far).

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One of the more clever shows on television

I am absolutely _shocked_ at the reaction of some of the opinions presented here about what I think is actually a rather well written series. Obviously many here have not clued into concepts like irony, subtlety, and satire. Yes, some of the villains are clichƩd, but they're _supposed_ to be clichƩd. Like how the big supervillains are always supposed to have a secret lair, or always have to give away their big plan to Kim before they finish her off. (A favorite of mine is the villain who also works at a Costco-type super store, and instead of holding Kim above a pool of killer sharks, uses a pool of bargain-priced snapping turtles)

The dialog is pretty sharp, and I think it's actually one of the more quotable television series along with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gilmore Girls. My favorite lines? Probably how in the future, Duff Killigan declares himself "the world's deadliest cyborg golfer", which doesn't mean much to Ron, since "cyborg golfer" can't be a particularly crowded field.

To those who complain about the series not being "realistic"- you're not getting it at all. (People are actually complaining about the careers of Kim's parents? If I have to explain why them being a rocket scientist and a brain surgeon is sheer brilliance, then you're beyond help.) It's not a serious action show- it's part action, part satire, with some abstract humor and teen angst thrown in.

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10 /10

Why Kim Possible is Genius

Warning: Spoilers

"Kim Possible" is arguably the best series Disney has produced to date... (animated or otherwise) as many other viewers have commented. But the question is why? What makes this program so much better than every other in the long and storied history of the Mouse?

Premise. The old joke about a Rocket Scientist and a Brain Surgeon is a great place to start, as that's Kim's Dad and Mom! And with such intelligent lineage, Kim is a brilliant mind too, only she's not weird about it. She's a basic, average girl, but she's here to save the world! Cheerleader and honor student by day; superhero the rest of the time. Really, she's the most well-rounded and talented Disney female since 1964's Mary Poppins (and she didn't have to keep house; just answer her KIM- municator).

Characters. Kim's partner in crimefighting, Ron Stoppable and his naked mole rat pet Rufus always provided comic relief, humorous complications and legitimate help to Ms. Possible, as well as the inevitable after- school snacks at Bueno Nacho, their Mexican restaurant hangout. Wade, the point man that clued Kim in to the sitch, offered just the right tone of stability to the stories. Kim's occasionally seen twin brothers Tim and Jim gave her some sibling rivalry angst. And the best and most wacky rogue's gallery of villains since Adam West's "Batman" series, and with nearly the same level of star power, provided the knockout punch! Led by John DiMaggio's Dr. Drakken and Nicole Sullivan's Shego, other guest voices throughout the series included such iconic names as Debbie Reynolds, Andrea Martin, Elliot Gould, George Takei, Nestor Carbonell and Ricardo Montalban.

Stories. Despite covering the same ground as so many other series had done within the high school framework setting, every episode always seemed fresh and innovative. Full credit to the writers for carefully mixing in the adventure elements with Kim's day-to-day school life, for exposing some of Kim's foibles and failings (she really had trouble with that road test for Driver's Ed!) and for not letting Kim and Ron get too romantic until just the right moment. Also, the fact that the plots always had that sense of danger but were never too frightening for all age groups was a truly brilliant and notable element of the series.

Performances. Christy Carlson Romano, Will Friedle, Nancy Cartwright and Tahj Mowry were fantastic as the core four heroes, and their vocal skills were crucial in making everything work. And the theme song, sung by Christina Milian, lived up to the level of the program itself. Always smart, always funny and always had something to say about family, friendship and life (both scholastic AND extra-curricular), "Kim Possible" really was worth watching, and Kim proved it was Possible to be a great Disney role-model without being a princess!

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9 /10

Really entertaining and adding new to an old set-up.

I remember seeing Kim Possible when I was a kid and enjoying both the comedy and the action. I watched it again and found that I still enjoy it for the same reasons plus some new aspects of it.

As I state in the head-line, it is a set-up which has been done to death with a main character living a life as an extraordinary person but at the same time trying to live a regular life, but Kim Possible adds something fresh by having everybody knowing about it which leads to funny comments on it along with equally funny situations where the regular life clashes with her crime fighting duty.

Kim Possible is also a comedy series poking fun of different hero and villain tropes like how the sidekick of the real hero is always operating in the shadow of the hero and how one villain learning all classic villain tropes literally by the book while his sidekick doesn't commit to it at all. Those details made me laugh more than once, because the writers knew how not to make a one note joke.

With such clever writing we also need memorable characters, and Kim Possible as this spunky crime fighting teenage girl is a really cool main character with many tropes of that, but not stereotypical like many other series from the same time period. Her clumsy outcast of a sidekick, Ron Stoppable, is hilarious with his cute naked molerat pet Rufus and has a louder persona to him, but is not annoyingly loud all the time. Of the recurring villain characters I think the most memorable ones are the duos of Dr. Drakken and She-Go and The Senior father and son along with the single villains Duff Killagan and Professor Dementor. All of them are hilarious in their own ways. Other notable characters are Mr. Barkins and Bonnie who make some great comedic characters in Kim's regular life.

Even though the clever writing finds a lot of ways around and the well done action scenes you'll eventually discover the core elements the series operate around. It does not in any way weaken the show because of the writing, but you will notice it I am sure.

Great and entertaining show that is SO not your basic average cartoon!

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8 /10

One of the better Disney shows made recently

As a show, I don't think Kim Possible is as good as Darkwing Duck, Talespin and DuckTales, which are three of the best animated shows ever made(along with Peter Pan and the Pirates, Sonic the Hedgehog, Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain), but it is an entertaining show and I think one of the better Disney shows of late(Reccess I love as well). I agree some of the villains are clichƩd, but I think like another reviewer said they were meant to be. Some episodes are better than others, as some episodes in the middle seasons are a little iffy and a little lacking. But it started off brilliantly, and after a rocky middle, it redeemed itself.

The animation is fine, I have no real qualms of it, and the music was cool. The writing is witty, deliciously ironic and funny, the story lines in general are original, clever and fun and the characters are delightful. Kim is smart, beautiful and sassy, Ron is often hilarious with a dorky yet endearing personality and Rufus is really cute, cool and even funnier than Ron. I liked the parents, sometimes they don't feature significantly, but they aren't entirely useless while in terms of villains Dr Drakken and Shego are the most entertaining. The voice acting, both lead and guest is top-notch, so overall, Kim Possible is actually a very watchable show. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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I love this show!

This is one of the best new shows out there. It's humorous for kids as well as adults. Unlike the other shows where heroes have super powers, Kim and her friend Ron use wits to battle the enemy. One of the best animated series out there!

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Kim Possible cleverly written

Kim Possible's not meant to be taken as a serious epic or dramatic action show. Its focus on the blend of "saving the world" as a by-the-way activity on the side while handling the ordinary life of being a high school student is part of what makes this show so appealing. Using witty dialogue between the characters, the show often pokes fun at the clichƩs of villains and action shows. The interactions between each of the hilariously paired characters is really what drives the show. For example, note the team of Kim and Ron (extreme competence and intelligence versus extreme incompetence). Or better yet, note the humorous tension between benign villains and their very evil counterparts. (Dr. Drakken and Shego, and Senor Junior and Senor Senior). This show can be enjoyed on many different levels, which is why it can appeal to such a wide range of age groups.

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10 /10


Kim possible was my childhood. Period. I just loved watching it and if you recommend a girl superhero show you'll love Kim possible ! Plus It's got great messages in episode and I never met anyone who didn't like that show. This show was a BOP !

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8 /10

Kim Possible forever

Kim Possible is a unique one-of-a-kind animated series with a lot of multi-layered characters. But not even this show is perfect, because it stuck too much in the 90s and was too strongly influenced by the early 2000s We have: Mainly white characters Typical Goody Two-Shoes A rap battle episode An extreme sport episode An X-Games episode Bringing Christmas specials to everyone And a "Could they became a couple?" Subplot

And I don't care Nevertheless, the series has its own identity and it's own message. The series had more mistakes than many others of that time, and it baffled me a lot in my development. The series has a postmodern feel of many aspects of both the Action Series and the high school dramas. A truly unique series that offers plenty of food for thought and excitement. Rarely you had a series in which the Henchman villains is actually much more competent and had really achieved his goals or in which the sidekick of the hero is actually holding goods there if you take it exactly.

It swas supposed to end after the second season, but was revived twice thanks to the very high ratings and .... and I am so thankful. Every season had a good satisfying finale but the series finale tops everything and came for Circle A perfect conclusion.

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10 /10

The Best Show on The Disney Channel

Warning: Spoilers

Kim Possible is easily the best show on the Disney Channel, and among the best on television. The show follows the exploits of teen hero Kim Possible and her partner Ron Stoppable. Her tagline "She can do anything" becomes more and more true with every episode. Those who complain about the rampant clichƩs are missing the point. This is satire, for crying out loud; it's supposed to be clichƩ. The villains would feel right at home in any Bond movie. The whole premise of the show, in fact, leads one to wonder if show creators Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle asked the question: "What if James Bond were a teenage girl?" This is truly an all-star cast: Christy Carlson Romano (Ren Stevens from "Even Stevens") as Kim, Will Friedle (Terry McGinnis from "Batman Beyond") as Ron, Nancy Cartwright (Bart Simpson) as Rufus, Ron's pet naked mole rat,Tahj Mowry (the kid from "Smart Guy") as Wade, the supergenius who runs Kim's website, Gary Cole (Bill Lumbergh from "Office Space") as Kim's Dad, Jean Smart (Sherry Regan From "The District") as Kim's Mom, Patrick Warburton (Joe from "Family Guy") as the overly strict teacher Mr. Barkin, John DiMaggio (Bender from "Futurama") as Dr. Drakken, Kim's arch-foe, Nicole Sullivan (of "MADtv" fame) as Shego, Dr. Drakken's assistant and Kim's negative, and even Ricardo Montalban as Senor Senior Senior. Not to mention guest appearances by Tara Strong (Timmy from "The Fairly OddParents"), Adam West (an incredibly good sport who appears in the show's parody of Batman), Dan Castellaneta (Homer Simpson), Brad Garrett (Robert from "Everybody Loves Raymond"), Richard Kind, Rob Paulsen (Raphael from "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"), Nestor Carbonell, Patton Oswalt (Spence from "The King of Queens"),Brian Posehn (Kevin from "Just Shoot Me"), Phil LaMarr, Felicity Huffman, Fred Willard, Elliot Gould, Debbie Reynolds, and, my personal favorite, John C. McGinley (Dr. Cox from "Scrubs").

While all of this star-power is certainly admirable, it is the clever writing and hilarious parodies that push this show over the top. Like snowflakes, no two episodes are truly alike. Never once did I feel as though I were watching the same episode (except in the case of endless reruns that Disney seems compelled to run).

The only complaint I have with this show (and this is a shot at Disney Execs who control the order in which the episodes air, not the writers) is continuity. Not that I scrutinize each frame, but there are certain errors that show up in the show's plot. The examples are too numerous to list. While this is a relatively minor concern, the fact that the shows often try to build off of each other like a continuous story is hindered by the fact that the Execs run them in a different order than the writers had intended.

Still, this doesn't change the fact that Kim Possible is just plain fun to watch. My favorite part of the show is the jokes that appeal to every age group, something that Disney has previously only accomplished with its movies. This alone cements Kim Possible as the finest show on the Disney Channel.

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8 /10

One of the Greatest Cartoons of our Time!

Kim Possible is loved through generations from Toddler to College kids, and maybe even beyond. This show is definitely family oriented. Filled with charming timeless characters, heart-stopping drama, gut-slapping humor, and much more.Kim Possible: The unstoppable red-head who can do anything. Ron Stoppable: Kim's best friend since Pre-K and maybe more. Rufus: The coolest naked mole rat, Ron's pet, and a valuable team Possible member. All kids, mostly aimed toward girls, are taught that you can do anything, as long as they be themselves. It also teaches to keep your friends close, because you will never know where and when you will need them, or when they may need you, but just be glad they are there no matter what. This show is definitely positively aimed at the younger crowd, but like us older kids (or kids at heart) will absolutely love this show. Watch it and Love It!!

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10 /10

The best Disney series made ever

Warning: Spoilers

When i started to see this show, i noticed that this will be very popular.

I still see this show even the chapters are repeated because the show is great, the very good sense of humor is the first reason why i like this. The other thing is that's a very great series of spy saying that a secret spy could know it everybody.

I knew by the first time i saw the series that Ron and Kim will end together.

My brother says that Ron must have a whole episode for him only, but i wont like it.

I am waiting for the new episodes and i can wait. Why is the maximum 65 chapter limit for Disney series if there nearly all very good?

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10 /10


The worst thing about this cartoon is that they are just 4 seasons. I would love it if their would be a 5th season or even more.

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7 /10

I'll admit, it's pretty good.

I used to absolutely love this show, then I stopped liking it, but as the new season came out, I started to like it a lot more again. It has a certain essence to it, that just keeps you wanting more. It is action filled, not as much as non-cartoons, but still pretty good to satisfy. I like most of the episodes, but some of them are okay. The new season is definitely the best. The first few seasons are also good. The voices of all of the characters have really good chemistry, and they all blend together really well. The plot of all of the episodes/movies is really well put together, and a crowd pleaser. Even if you don't like these kinds of shows, you will say that it is good. If you haven't watched this show before, I would definitely suggest it, whenever it is on.

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10 /10

Quite possibly one of the best shows on Disney Channel

"Kim Possible" is so far one of the best shows on Disney Channel (and maybe on Television). It has smart dialogue, fluid animation and a lovable art-style and well-written characters. The villains are also quite interesting (expecially Dr Drakken and his assistant Shego, show's main villains) and funny. The show can be repetitive at times, but overall it's original and it has an unique humor (clever humor). It is not a coincidence that this show was renewed in late 2005 for a 4th Season (which is going to start on February 10th 2007) thanks to its strong fan-base. What can I say? If you watch Disney Channel, be sure to catch "Kim Possible".

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9 /10


Warning: Spoilers

My introduction to Kim Possible was the movie "So the Drama." I was around 6-7 years old at the time. I remember loving it as a kid and would always watch it. Prior to Phineas and Ferb, this was the animated series I always watched on Disney Channel. I really loved Rufus and the chemistry between Ron and Kim. I wasn't one of the people who had to wait seasons just so they could be a couple. Not knowing that So the Drama was supposed to be the finale, i never got the story arcs in the show. I just watched the series every night not knowing that Disney airs the episodes randomly. Now that I do know that it was supposed to end with the 3rd season, I watched the entire series in chronological (not production and broadcast) order.


The season is not quite as remarkable as I thought, with not fantastic animation and jokes that are for kids, but this season is still pretty good with mostly funny jokes, great voice acting, very relatable scenarios, pretty good action and, of course, Kim, Shego, Ron, Drakken and Rufus

Best episode:

"Tick-Tick-Tick" - Purely hilarious and very action packed. I love the introduction to the series sort of main villains.

"Attack of the Killer Bebes" - action packed and very funny!

"Mind Games" - It's not as funny as it could've been but it does give us a chance to know the characters more.

"October 31st" - The lesson is a bit childish, but it does let us know Kim a bit more. Also, great action scenes and villain rivalries.

"Kimitation Nation" - action packed and very funny. That "Home of Kim Style" joke is hilarious! Also, I love Shego and Drakken's quarrel. They are, by far, the show's best and funniest villains

Worst episodes:

" Royal Pain" - The episode itself is pretty good but not as good as the other episodes. Also, I didn't like the Prince and I don't think he's funny. He's pretty annoying, actually. I hope he doesn't reappear.


This season is a bit better compared to season 1. The animation has improved greatly while the jokes are now more aimed at adults. The action scenes, thanks to the better animation, now look better and the characters are more fleshed out. Unfortunately, this season also showed some of Ron's slightly dislikable side. (I still like him, just not as much as I used too)

Best episodes:

"The Golden Years" - very funny episode and Kim's situation with her grandma is very relatable. Also, I love Rufus in this episode.

"Naked Genius" -very funny concept

"Grudge Match" - Okay. Even though some of its functions are now similar to 2021 smartphones, I WANT KIM'S KIMMUNICATOR.

"Exchange" - I love Kim and Ron's dynamic but if everytime they're seperated is like this episode, I'll be okay with it!

"A Very Possible Christmas" - I really like Ron and Drakken's banters. Also, if they were real, I'd spend christmas with the Possibles.

"Go Team Go" - Team Go's mostly awesome, especially Shego. The fight at the end is amazing.

"Partners" - I like DNAmy and Drakken together. I didn't know she was voiced by Melissa Mccarthy.

"Ron Millionaire" - Even though Ron was a bit dislikable in this episode, I do think that anyone with that much money would still go a bit out of control in terms of spending it and Ron did learn a valuable lesson in the end. Also, the interactions of Shego and Drakken in this episode are very funny!

"Triple S" - the parachute scene is so far the most unbelievable but best action scene in the series

"Rewriting History" - the ending ruins the episode but it is still entertaining. I wish it didn't end like that.

Worst Episodes:

"The Fearless Ferret" - Ron's pretty annoying in this episode. He's better off as the sidekick.


This season is so good (and short) I finished it within a day and I don't have a least favorite episode. This is how good I remember Kim Possible was when I was a kid: Very funny, more Kim-Ron shipping and more appearances from the villains Shego and Drakken.

Best episodes:

"Steal Wheels" - I didn't like Motor Ed that much in his debut episode but he, Drakken and Shego make a hilarious team. As for Kim, I like that she really treasures her friends, as seen in this episode.

"Emotion Sickness" - I don't ship Shego and Drakken but they are very funny here. I SHIP KIM AND RON. I loved how they did it here (the first kiss) without ruining their friendship or rushing into their relationship (and doing some fan service).

"Bonding" - I love Barkin and Ron together. Will Friedle and Patrick Warburton are both very talented and funny.

"Bad Boy" - I love this episode. The fourth wall joke near the beginning was funny and a wink to the series' supposed end in 'So the Drama.' As for the plot, I love evil Ron and good Dr. Drakken. I will miss them and I hope they come back. I also liked how Shego interacted with evil Ron.

"Dimension Twist" - Cool concept. Also, I really love Rufus. He's my second favorite pet on a tv show (Next to Perry from 'Phineas and Ferb')

"Rappin Drakken" - Drakken's song and the naked mole rap are both amazing while Rufus' "Na na na" is catchy.

"Gorilla Fist" - A funny episode with DNAmy and Monkey Fist. Also, Kim obviously has a crush on Ron.


One of the best final seasons I've seen. This season not only ends perfectly, but 90% of its episodes are some of the series' best (especially the finale). I'd want another season just because of that satisfying finale BUT if Disney doesn't make another Kim Possible project, I'd be perfectly happy. (Especially if the only Kim Possible project they can make is that live action film)

Best episodes:

"Ill Suited" - First episode where Kim and Ron are officially a couple (or is it dating?). Love it! I also like the change in the credits.

"Trading Faces" - Love the Possible family interaction. The Tweebs got a major upgrade in academics, voice, role and design! This episode also proves that Candace from Phineas and Ferb and Sharpay from the High School Musical movies, Ashley Tisdale, has a great voice!

"Mad Dogs and Aliens" - Warmonga's pretty cool and I wish I could see more of a Kim-Shego team up. Also, the credits are so funny, they're starting to become my favorite parts of the show.

"Clothes Minded" - Kim's fashion dilemma, Hers and Ron's college admission problems and Shego and Drakken make this one of the most relatable and funniest episodes. Also, I love that Rufus stole his ideas from those fashion criminals.

"Clean Slate" - Kim and Ron's dilemma is actually heartbreaking while Shego and Drakken's story is hilarious.

"Stop Team Go" - Good Shego is funny (especially with Barkin) and I actually hoped that she stayed good. I did miss her interactions with Drakken (who has his own hilarious story involving a jar of pickles). I also missed Evil Ron.

"Homecoming Upset" - they may not be likeable but I kinda ship SeƱor Senior, Jr and Bonnie.

"Chasing Rufus" - funniest episode focusing on Rufus. I don't ship him and Camille Leon's pet but they are pretty funny together.

"Oh No! Yono!" - this episode is a satisfying conclusion to one of the series' stories. It even has a dark ending for one of the series' villains.

"Graduation" - The perfect 2-part ending. It has all the things that made the series great: action, funny character banters, unlikely team ups, shipping, etc. It even has a "cliffhanger" in the credits. I can confidently say that this is my favorite episode in the series including the 2 movies.

OVERALL, the series started as a kid-friendly show and not the one I remember from my childhood. However, each season got better and better, making Kim Possible one of the best heroines and best animated series I have seen.

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KP Review

I love this show! It's honestly was my favorite Disney cartoons. I love everything about it! It was well animated, great characters and had awesome action sequences. I loved the storylines and Kim, Ron, and Rufus make an amazing team. I would highly recommend this show! One of my favorites of all time!! I miss watching this show a lot!

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7 /10

Best disney cartoon ever (next to Phinies and Ferb)

Great show! Loved almost every episode. Loved the action the suspense, the villains and of course Kim and Ron. With every season it seemed to bet better.

The stories are good. Having Kim and Ron become close friends to well... boyfriend and girlfriend. If I had a favorite villain. Drakken and Shego would be the top two.

This is one Disney show I will never forget

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8 /10

One of the Best Disney has Ever Put Out

**This Review May Contain Spoilers**

This was one of the best animated shows I have ever seen.

The main reason is the chemistry, wit, and realism of the two lead characters, Kim and Ron. Kim is one of the strongest female leads I have seen in any medium, almost like one James Cameron does. Christy Carlson Romano has the talent for it and makes her totally believable. And Ron is enjoyably goofy, well most of the time, voiced by the great Will Friedle. The supporting characters are a lot of fun too, Drakken and Shego (John "Bender" DiMaggio and the excellent Nicole Sullivan) are the funniest villains I've ever seen, and Patton Oswalt is inspired as Dementor. Patrick Warburton, Gary Cole, and Jean Smart also work their way in for great characters.

The animation is also spectacular. The first season was good but a little awkward. Which show's first season isn't? But by the end of Season 3 it was the best looking animation I had seen other than Pixar. Stephen Silver was the lead character designer and his work is brilliant, and very stylish. It's the epitome of character design in animation so far for me. The backgrounds also match the style of the characters, spearheaded by Andy Ice and Alan Bodner. It reminds the viewers of the Ken Anderson/Maurice Noble standards of animation backgrounds and locations. Adam Berry's music was great too. He evoked the classic spy music by James Bond composer John Barry, but also put his own indelible mark on it, blending the classic and cool orchestra music with a very pop feel to it.

Seasons 1-3 were outstanding, mostly because while a few episodes were dumb, most (90%) of them were very funny, emotional, and great to watch. By So the Drama, the animation and writing reached their zeniths, and the best moment was the much anticipated kiss between Kim and Ron, becoming a couple.

Then Season 4 came. It was great that the fans had a say and broke Disney's 65 episode policy, that's very inspirational. But the season was a mixed bag. Most of the episodes got too zany or were very forced. I mean some of the ideas were too far out for most viewers, and Ron is made to look like an almost undesirable person because of his goofiness. There are some genuine moments of love and a great look at the relationship between Kim and Ron, but most elements get lost in the shuffle. I wish the Graduation episode was a little more emotional, but hey, not my call.

In short this show is excellent. I knock it off of 10 stars because of the mixed bag that was Season 4, but it was still great. Hopefully Disney doesn't let this lie dormant, and something new comes of it in the future.

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10 /10


Now this is what i call real pure art such a majestic gem from Disney Channel from 2002 til 2007 disney just made the right thing you are such a wizard.

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If you "get" Kim Possible you will love it.

Kim Possible is about a teenage high school girl who is a part time super hero. She spends her days in school, and the rest of the time battling her nemeses. Each of the villains is faulted in some way that is a flash back to the coyote from the roadrunner cartoons.

I started watching this cartoon when my youngest sister (she is 24) was watching it while visiting me for the summer. The first couple of episodes, you will probably be scratching your head trying to figure out why the villains are so quirky. After about a week of watching, I was grounded enough to appreciate the humor. If you like older cartoons, or cartoons like Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, or Courage the cowardly dog, you will probably like this cartoon.

Ron Stoppable and Rufus (his naked mole rat companion) will probably be your favorite characters. Ron is a series of random disasters that seem to always be for the best.

Take the time to watch a couple episodes, if you like it, you will be addicted.

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This show is possible to watch!

I must say, when I had to watch this show with my younger cousin, I thought it was going to be another dumb kids show. I was wrong. It is actually a great show for younger kids. It is full of "action-packed" dialogue that younger viewers will find very entertaining. There are also a bunch of stars from Disney Channel Original Movies and shows doing the voices of the characters, like Christy Romano from "Even Stevens", Kirsten Storms from "Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century", Will Friedle and Rider Strong from "Boy Meets World", and Tahj Mowry from "Smart Guy", just to name a few. So, I must say, "Kim Possible" is one great kids show that may even appeal to grownups for a great family show!

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0278866/reviews

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